Bright Moon

Massimo Catalani

Bright Moon

25 Feb 2013 - 22 Mar 2013

Monday 25 Feb 2013 | 18:30-23:00

Artist profile
Massimo Catalani


The second part of the exhibition opens on February 25, 2013 at 18.30 with the work of the Roman artist Massimo Catalani "Bright Moon", a multiple painting, in which several plates create a single image made with particular pigments that react to light and its changes by changing their colors. Thus the moon is painted through its light, a nocturnal sun that gives an alternative vision to things and allows to live them in an intimate and perfect dimension. The work is interactive because, like us, it changes its appearance and mood according to the situation, and it changes from day to night, as if following ideal phases of the moon. Through this visual mobility Catalani re-proposes an atmosphere, an idea of the moon, a sort of magic window that opens on our hidden perceptions, that plays on the absence of light to find, in a silent dialogue between what is missing and what we have, a piece of ourselves. And it will be impossible for the onlooker, victim of the loss of time that it brings in an eternal moment, not to wonder what this piece of the moon does, which investigates our soul while we investigate its own, each witness of the other.

Event 393 updated on November, 13 2020 - 19:03