Massimo Catalani

Resident artist

Massimo Catalani

Eclectic artist, born in 1960, who in his twenty years of research has always focused on the visual value of the relationship with the earth, understood as planet, material, source of life, and the sea, but not only. He has fused art with the communication of environmental and social issues, creating works linked to Greenpeace campaigns, but also using the theme of food as a vector for symbols and pictorial content. He rediscovers the rose as a symbol of the beauty of painting in general. The work "Bright Moon" is the result of the artist's interesting research into the relationship between painting and darkness, which also produced, thanks to the meeting with the La Sapienza and RomaTre Universities, the design and creation in 2012 of a 10-metre luminescent "Anchovy-Leviathan" for a solar house within the Solar Decathlon.

Artist updated on June, 8 2021 - 14:42