Hunica #2

Robin Clerici

Alex Caminiti

Francesca Tulli

Alicia Maso

Primarosa Cesarini Sforza

Hunica #2

25 Oct 2021 - 31 Dec 2021

Wednesday 17 Nov 2021 | 16:00-20:00

H.Unica - Viale Liegi, 54 - Roma

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Artist profile
Robin Clerici
Alex Caminiti
Francesca Tulli
Alicia Maso
Primarosa Cesarini Sforza

In this second occasion the design of the "home base" the juxtaposition of the works in the various environments is not casual but renews the game of the look of who lives the environment.

In the "meeting room" the abstract atmospheres of Alicia Maso born from her research on nature that evoke intimate landscapes related to everyday life to being an inhabitant in her real world but often remembered by the oneiric, discovering fascinating and surprising worlds. In the entrance hall, the works of Primarosa Cesarini Sforza immortalize a joyful and colorful nature in which the flowers render the vision of an unreal reality. In the "Living" area Alex Caminiti proposes a fast and colorful abstraction. An apparently casual sign but that gathers a complete vision of space. In the "Night" area the unreal but aware human presences of Robin Clerici generate a relationship between art and life, a regeneration of the human cycles that form our history and our actuality. His ethereal visions where the strong light decomposes reality making it almost unreal, making us discover the invariability of time. They are the glue in the various environments of the bronze sculptures of Francesca Tulli that with their displacement of the material elements form an essence very clear for integrity and balance composition. Through a composition wisely arranged in the environmental space, they help us to review our notion of space in the best possible way.

Event 79666 updated on March, 19 2023 - 17:08