Greta Alberta Tirloni

Greta Alberta Tirloni

Greta Alberta Tirloni in the 2023 edition of Rome Art Week is coordinator in charge of "Viewpoints" of critical historians and art practitioners. She carries out scientific coordination and care of critical activities on artists, structures, curators, by experts; research and selection of experts and care of elaborated judgments and related information, documentation and database.
Greta Alberta Tirloni (1983) is an art historian, critic and curator, specializing in contemporary art. University training - magistral, postgraduate and master - at the Universities of Bologna Alma Mater Studiorum, Roma La Sapienza and Università Roma Tre. Experience in curatorship and museology (GNAM), protection and enhancement for private and public collections (including the Farnesina Collection), estimates and evaluations, expertise and diagnostics, also for judicial authorities as in cases De Chirico, De Dominicis, Schifano, Pascali (Prosecutors' Offices of Rome and Bolzano, Venice Court, CCTPC).

He has published essays in the areas of cultural economics, cultural diplomacy, museology and collecting, and art history and criticism on artists and exhibitions, including: Yves Klein, Being in Infinity. The vision of art and the 1970 retrospective: the court case, monograph, with introduction by Maria Vittoria Marini Clarelli, Edizioni Efesto, Rome March 2018. Second updated edition, Edizioni Efesto, Rome June 2019; Unstoppable Latitudes in the Age of the Anthropocene. Identifications Repropositions Questions, essay for exhibition, Studio DFB and RIONE PLACIDO (October 24-28, 2023) published in, Rome 2023; LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. Song of the Surface. Enchantment of Color, essay for exhibition Vincenzo Scolamiero: homage to Wisława Szymborska (Rome Art Night December 2022), published in, Rome 2023; A New Sun Every Day. Art Looks at the New Reality: New Approaches and New Visions, essay for exhibition, Pavart Gallery, Rome (October 8-November 20, 2022) published, Rome 2022 and on the Pavart Gallery website; Roberta Morzetti: Art Beyond Space and Time. Tradition and contemporaneity, in PAX_22, exhibition, Chiesa di Sant'Agostino, Tuscania (July 15 - 30) and Palazzo Alessandrini, Viterbo (September 16 - October 14), on the occasion of the Viterbo Biennial 2022. Published in, Rome 2022 and on the Pavart Gallery website; GOLD. Use and spiritual and material value of the color gold in the art of Yves Klein, in E-Zine, Contemporary art Magazine, August 2022; BLUE. Yves Klein, the blue of infinity. The Vision of Art, Law and the Market, in E-Zine, Contemporary art Magazine, January 2022; Italian Art in the Twenty Years of the Farnesina Collection at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in Beyond the Borders. The Twenty Years of the Farnesina Collection (1999-2019). The New Acquisitions, De Luca Editore d'Arte, Rome 2019; pp. 19 - 22; Patrizia Dalla Valle. Contaminazioni tra tempo e spazio, passato e presente, Byzantium Ravenna e Roma, Circolo MAECI, Rome (July 4 - September 24, 2019), published in, Rome 2019; Richter, economics and the art market, paper, published in, Rome 2018; Castellano. Traveling Between Restoration and Painting, Circolo MAECI, Rome (November 7 - December 10, 2018), published in, Rome 2018; Hackatao - The Way of Intellectual Challenge, Circolo MAECI, Rome (September 12 - November 5, 2018), in, Rome 2018; Giovanna Rasario. Gentle abstraction: energy/light, matter/anti-matter, in Visions of Light and Form, MAECI Circle, Rome (March 9-April 10, 2018) in, Rome 2018; Water in Art. Interpretations, variations, visions, in exhibition catalog Paintings on Water. Da Benvenuti a de Conciliis (1815 - 2017), Museo archeologico nazionale di Mantova (April 7 - June 25, 2017), Musa - Museo di Salò e Vittoriale degli Italiani, Gardone (July 25 - October 1, 2017) Il Cigno Edizioni, Rome 2017; Mario Padovan. Intellectual Creativity and Artistic Nomadism, in, (December 2017); in, Rome November 2018; Greta Alberta Tirloni, Claudio Falcucci, et alii, Le indagini non distruttive e per immagini, in Sironi Svelato. Il Restauro del Murale della Sapienza, exhibition catalog (Rome, Città Universitaria, MLAC - Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea; November 23, 2017 - January 21, 2018), edited by Eliana Billi and Laura D'Agostino, Campisano Editore, Rome 2018; pp. 241-245; Italian 20th Century Art and Cultural Diplomacy. The Farnesina Collection, in "Economics of Culture," Il Mulino, year XXVI, 2016, no. 3; pp. 467- 476; Simone Verde. Culture without capital. History and betrayal of an Italian idea. Review, in "Economics of Culture," Il Mulino, year XXIV, 2014 / no. 3-4; pp. 448 - 450. In publication: Yves Klein. Art Law Market. Monograph, Maretti Publisher.

Experience of teaching assignments lecturing in Cultural Heritage Management and Protection,
Management of Museums, Management and Valorization of Collections, Management of Exhibitions, Expositions and Events, Economics of Culture, Art Market, History and Criticism of Art, Contemporary Artists and Movements, Heritage Protection, Forgery of Works of Art and Court Cases, Copyright, at Roma La Sapienza and Roma 3.

He has given speeches, Lectio Magistralis and reports in meetings, conferences, round tables, Master courses at: MACRO Rome, MAECI - Circle, MASTER Sole24Ore Rome, MASTER ROMA TRE.

Critic updated on April, 5 2024 - 16:31