Rione Placido Collective

Rione Placido Collective

Alice Colacione was born in Rome on March 2, 1996. In 2019 she is a finalist for the National Arts Award at the Albertina Academy of Turin. Also in 2019, she becomes a mediator for the work "Add Color (Refugee Boat)" by Yoko Ono at the event "Of the Spiritual Matter of Art" at MAXXI in Rome. In 2020 he participated in the Festival del Tempo in Sermoneta and in the group show "We As Nature" during Rome Art Week at the Hotel Ripa in Rome, both curated by Roberta Melasecca. In May 2021 she exhibits in Ravenna, a finalist for the Ilaria Ciardi prize at the Michele Tosi Gallery. In June 2021 she is the winner of the first prize in the Painting category of the "EcoLogicArt" call for entries proposed by La Nica Gallery in Rome: the work is exhibited in Arezzo and later at La Nica. In the second edition of the Festival del Tempo in Sermoneta, in 2021, the artist participates as a juror. In September 2022, she participates in the collective "Cohesion: Water and Life" at the Acquario Romano - House of Architecture and later in October at the Embassy of Egypt, Rome. In Bologna, he participated in the collective project "E Luce Fu. La Materia Illuminata" promoted by "Avanguardie Verdi," inaugurated in September, on display at Spazio 212. In October 2022 she is in Rome with the two-person show "Io Scorro" hosted by Galleria Borghini. Co-founder of the Rione Placido collective, an independent reality composed of six artists in the Pigneto neighborhood of Rome. With the collective Rione Placido participates in Rome Art Week 2023 with the project "Unstoppable Latitudes of the Anthropocene" curated by Greta Alberta Tirloni.

Denise Montresor was born in Rome in 1996, where she lives and works. She obtains the I and II level academic diploma at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, painting department. In 2017 she participated in the Erasmus+ project studying at the Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts in Liège, Belgium. During her training period abroad she participated in an artistic residency at Maison Sculpture (Liège, BE) entitled fLUX - la lumière et l'espace, la sculpture et la transdisciplinarité. Group exhibitions include: Unstoppable Latitudes of the Anthropocene, curated by Greta Alberta Tirloni. Rione Placido, Rome, 2023; Elective Affinities. Rione Placido, Rome, 2023; And Light Was. Illuminated Matter. Dueunodue Spazi Espositivi, Bologna, 2022; Diversi ma uguali. Marco Besso Foundation, Rome, 2022; XXXI ed. of Porticato Gaetano. Pinacoteca Comunale, Gaeta (LT), 2020; Festival del Tempo. Sermoneta (LT), 2020; fLUX. Maison Sculpture, Liège (BE), 2018; Contaminations, Teatro India, Rome, 2018. Since 2023 she has been the founder of the independent art space Rione Placido, located in the Pigneto neighborhood of Rome.

Born in Milan in 1996, she lives and works in Rome.
She obtains the artistic maturity at the Liceo Artistico di via Ripetta and then the Academic Diploma of I and II level in Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome and VŠVU/AFAD in Bratislava. In his research he addresses the theme of remembrance and the reappropriation of memory, both personal and collective, starting with photographic archive work that is then dissected in the pictorial practice that becomes a device for the resurfacing of memory. Among the group exhibitions in which he has participated: Unstoppable latitudes in the era of the Anthropocene curated by Greta Alberta Tirloni and Affinità Elettive at Rione Placido (2023), Take Care at Fondazione 107, Turin (2021), XXXII edition of Porticato Gaetano at Pinacoteca Comunale A. Sapone in Gaeta (2020, 2021), Le Sedie Vuote at Fondazione Museo della Shoah in Rome (2018), SAVEBiennale at Museo Vittoria Colonna in Pescara (2018), TinyBiennale at Temple University in Rome (2017). In 2023 he founded the independent space Rione Placido in the Pigneto neighborhood of Rome.

Mattia Cleri Polidori nasce a Roma nel 1987. Si diploma in Pittura presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma nel 2015. Nel 2016 ottiene il Master in Painting al Wimbledon College of Arts di Londra.
Nel gennaio 2018 prende servizio all'Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma nella scuola di pittura. È uno dei sei fondatori del laboratorio d’arte contemporanea “Rione Placido” inaugurato a Gennaio 2023.
La sua ricerca è basata sui pattern aurei che emergono nella morfogenesi, nel modo in cui la materia si organizza autonomamente nello spazio. Grazie all’isolamento e alla presentazione di oggetti naturali esplora questo comportamento della materia, attraverso una vasta gamma di metodologie, dalla pittura a olio e la formatura in gomma, resina e cemento, fino ai time-based media.
Fra i progetti recenti emergono le sue esposizioni a Cartavetra a Firenze nel 2024 e 2021, e a Blocco 13 a Roma nel 2023, la sua collaborazione con la compagnia DOM nello spettacolo “CAMPFIRE – dove comincia l'incendio”, al teatro India di Roma, e le residenze d’artista in Estonia nel 2020 e 2022.

Born in 1989 in Rome, where he lives and works as a secondary school teacher. In 2012 he won the "Un creativo al giorno" competition for a scholarship in Illustration and Visual Arts for the European Institute of Design in Rome. In July 2017, Baronato Quattro Bellezze hosted his first solo exhibition. In October 2019, he is cultural mediator of Yoko's work "Add color (Refugee boat)" for the exhibition "Of Spiritual Matter in Art" at Maxxi in Rome. In 2020, he is an assistant professor of Painting to Vincenzo Scolamiero at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, where in October 2021 he earns his Master's Degree in Painting. He participated in the XXXII Edition of the Gaetano Porticato, winning the review with the work "Mondo Rosso" acquired by the Gaeta Municipal Art Gallery in May 2021. From July to November of the same year he works in the workshop spaces of Castro, Rome. In Rome Art Week 2022 she exhibits at Galleria Borghini Arte Contemporanea together with Alice Colacione with the project "IO SCORRO," conceived by them with the curation of Livia Giuliani and Elena Marsan. Together with five other artists she is among the founders of Rione Placido, an independent art workshop in the Pigneto neighborhood of Rome. In June 2023 together with the members of the Rione she curates and participates in the exhibition "Affinità Elettive." With the collective Rione Placido also participates in Rome Art Week 2023 with the project "Unstoppable Latitudes of the Anthropocene," curated by Greta Alberta Tirloni.

Tiziano Conte was born in Rome in 1992. In 2019 he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome. Between 2018 and 2019 he participated in several group exhibitions, including: "Presence" - National Institute of Archaeology and Art History, Palazzo Venezia, Rome; "dhcmrlchtdi - you who read me, are you sure you understand my language?" Galleria Colleoni, Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma, Rome; "Presenza" Cantieri Culturali della Zisa, Palermo; "Contaminazioni," Teatro India in collaboration with L'Accademia Nazionale d'Arte Drammatica Silvio d'Amico, Rome; "Save Biennale," Museo d'Arte moderna Vittoria Colonna di Pescara, Pescara; "Imago Mundi" - Gallerie del Prigioni, Treviso. In 2021 he participated in the XXXIII Edition of the Gaetano Porticato at the Pinacoteca Comunale d'Arte Contemporanea in Gaeta. worked as assistant set designer for the show "CAMPFIRE/dove comincia l'incendio" (DOM- production) at the Teatro India in Rome. He is among the founders of the contemporary art laboratory Rione Placido, which opened in January 2023. He currently works as an assistant to Piero Pizzi Cannella. With the Rione Placido collective he is participating in Rome Art Week 2023 with the project "Unstoppable Latitudes of the Anthropocene" curated by Greta Alberta Tirloni.

Artist updated on April, 5 2024 - 16:26